Live Automation is a dispute letter automation tool built into Google Sheets that allows you to pop out letters in just seconds!

Beginning 01/15/24, pricing is $39/m

v3.5.1 is live and available now! You can track all update and progress on the roadmap here

You can either continue to pay $100's per month for fake factual dispute automation or you can create the easiest letters right now for just $39/m 



Live Automation v3.5.2 was released 12/7

Live Automation v3.0 was released 11/18

Live Automation v2.5 was released 11/2

Live Automation v2.0 was released 9/21/23

Live Automation v1.4 was released 9/12/23

Live Automation v1.3 was released 8/31/23 

Exciting upcoming features: 

  • auto-creation of multiple letter rounds 
  • commercial version (version to use for multiple people/clients)
  • Import all accounts to 1 screen vs. separation of IdentityIQ/SmartCredit
  • From accounts screen, select the items to dispute
  • Highlight inaccuracies and negative accounts after report import

New features of Live Automation v3.5.1

  • EOSCAR code dispute letters                                  
  • EOSCAR code letter AI text spinner 
  •  Import ALL accounts to select from

New features of Live Automation v3.5

  • EOSCAR code dispute letters                                  
  • EOSCAR code letter AI text spinner 

New features of Live Automation v3.0

  • SmartCredit report import

New features of Live Automation v2.5

  • the PERFECT dispute reason creator on the AutoManager with data insertion of the facts directly from the credit report
  • UI and UX improvements
  • extraction of derogatory account data improvements to include each account element (balance, past due, date last active, date last paid, etc.)
  • instruction added on-page on the Manager sheet for at-a-glance assistance
  • sheet-specific tutorial links added to the Manager, AutoManager and Start sheets (pages)

New features of Live Automation v2.0

  • processing split between manual and automation
  • auto manager now creates the perfect dispute reason for you - select what to dispute on the account, copy the facts and it will be added to the letter automatically
  • new start page with simple walk-through and access buttons
  • full credit report import and automation with data extraction fixed

and more!

New features of Live Automation v1.4

  • credit report import feature (IdentityIQ)

New features of Live Automation v1.3:

This new version includes: 

  • AI integration (with 5 different options and instructions)
  • ability to add unlimited letters
  • ability to add unlimited reasons 
  • simplified formulas for faster iteration
  • public roadmap, ideas, updates, feedback and articles

Check out the new features with Live Automation v1.2: 

Do everything on the Manager sheet without leaving!

- Choose a letter by name and the text will automatically populate below the dropdown. The text that shows will be what reflects on the letter on the Print sheet.  You can edit the letter on the "Letters" sheet and change either the letter name or the letter text
- Edit the letter name and letter text on the "Letters" sheet
- Edit the reason name and reason text on the "Reasons" sheet
- Add your own letter name and they will automatically populate in the dropdown to choose from on the "Manager" sheet
- Add your own reason name and reason on the "Reasons" sheet and they will automatically populate on the dropdown to choose from in the accounts section on the "Manager" sheet
- No more need to check a box to use a letter, and then uncheck it to use a different letter! Simply choose the letter you'd like to use from a dropdown
- Easily create new dispute letter text using the recommended 100% FREE ChatGPT browser plugin you'll find as a recommendation when you access the course. This browser plugin is exactly what I used today to find the error in my (super-long) formulas that were created to make it easy for you to choose letters and reasons using 2 simple dropdowns. 


How is v1.2 faster than v1.0?
- No need to leave the Manager sheet until you'd like to print or preview your letter
- v1.0 required that you selected a letter by scrolling through text and checking a box (and then unchecking to select a new letter). v1.2 uses a simple dropdown and you can easily change letters with just 1 click
- To create a new dispute letter with new text or new reasons, simply use the dropdown to choose a new letter, and choose a new dispute reason for each account

Live Automation feature comparison vs. an (unnamed) commercial software

Let's use a real-life example of the Live Automation vs. a commercial software (with screenshots taken from their website), so you can see the difference and understand why this app is so awesome. 


Everyone's jumping on the AI bandwagon right now and while this app doesn't include all of the other features of commercial software (because this was created for diy and not for commercial use), it allows you to create letters on the fly, customize your own app and automate it. 

Feature Comparison

See some of their features below.

With Live Automation v1.2, you're able to create an unlimited number of letters, with countless types and styles.

Their "fully automated randomized AI" literally means that it will give you many different versions of statements for "inaccuracy" or "violation". So does Live Automation v1.2

Live Automation v1.2 also allows you to do "real time edits and optional data inserting". In other words, add facts that support your arguments. 

Simply click on the "print" sheet and you can see exactly how your letters will look.

Don't like it? Edit on the manager sheet, or directly edit the reasons and letters on their respective sheets. 

As you can see, Live Automation v1.2 literally allows you to do the same with your disputes as this commercial software system  that we're comparing to. 

However, it's without the price tag that you see below. 

(From their site)

Letter Comparison

Live Automation v1.2 also includes "AI-Infused Templates", and "Dynamic Generated Content".

However, Live Automation v1.2includes dispute letters by category instead "randomized text". 

You can choose dispute letters based off topic, such as for inquiries, reinserted accounts, different letter rounds, etc. 

You can choose dispute reasons based off of the disputed account, such as "charge-off", and then the round, such as "round 1", and even by version if you have many of them. This would look like: "chargeoff1A"

(From their site)

Pricing Comparison

The BEST part?

Live Automation v is $39/m

Their software is a monthly payment that ranges from $129 - $499/month! 

Additionally, you could NEVER truly automate their software. However, Live Automation v1.2 is a Google Sheets tool, which means that you can create true automation with a little bit of coding, AND I'll show you how to use ChatGPT to create AI reasons and letters yourself. 

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