This credit sweep crashcourse is a video with chapters.

We're launching a brand new pro strategies credit sweep crash course that's GUARANTEED to instantly improve your credit repair and dispute knowledge but if you wait until after 12pm EST you won't be able to access all these bonuses!

This also includes 7 things that credit repair experts do that you probably don't and you do NOT want to miss this!

Imagine that you could INSTANTLY know exactly how to dispute an account just be looking at it. No second guessing or hesitation. Just straight up confidence in your attack. 

THAT'S what you'll take away from this, in short. 

The tip guide and trick sheet alone are worth 5x what the fee.

If you're ready to learn how to do that, it's just a small investment of $49 and you can get access to all the bonuses right now and then I'll see you at 4pm EST inside the course tomorrow. 

Looking for an all-in-one credit sweep crash course that'll bridge the gap & give you the pro strategies you've been looking for, but without the hassle of searching, wasted time of testing, or the price tag? 

At 4pm EST today, you can access all the bonuses that go with the crash course, and then at 4pm Friday, you'll get access to the video crash course, which will be broken down into chapters for easy searching. 

This includes (but is not limited to):

- You'll learn the FASTEST method for removing accounts from a credit reporting, including the specific days you'll want to send out the letters and to whom they're sent. 

- What debt validation is and when to use it (and how)

- How an account SHOULD be reported on a credit report so that you can easily identify inaccuracies/violations

- How to write a dispute letter for ANY account, including the dispute reason

- 19 disputable elements of an account

- 3 different dispute levels and how to choose one

- Credit sweep blueprints

- 3 different dispute methods and how to choose the perfect one for your file

- how to write different dispute reasons for similar accounts

- 4 requirements for dispute reasons

- the 3 questions your dispute letter must answer

Main strategies for removing:

  • collections
  • charge-offs
  • debt buyer collections
  • bankruptcies
  • late payments
  • student loans
  • inquiries


Bonuses currently available inside crash course: 

  1. Ultimate Finance Planner
  2. Fearless Money
  3. 30-day Dispute Challenge
  4. Financial Independence Workbook
  5. Dispute Letter Process Blueprint
  6. 3-rounds, 3 Scenarios Blueprint
  7. 3-Round Process blueprint
  8. Dealing with Verified Results Blueprint
  9. 5 Processes Blueprint
  10. Reply when accused of credit repair
  11. Validation of debt
  12. Extra validation of debt letters
  13. Credit Terms Glossary
  14. The Samurai method
  15. What to do when a deleted item reappears
  16. How to write a dispute reason
  17. Round 1 follow-up dispute tactic

00:01 Tip Guide, Trick Sheet , Dispute Workflow & How to Remove Each Account:
 This spreadsheet alone is worth more than the fee to purchase the course! Learn my tips on removing charge-offs, unpaid charge-offs, 3rd-party collections, debt-buy collections, late payments, student loans and bankruptcies. The Tip Guide & Trick Sheet give you some of my secret sauce that I let marinate over the last 12 years.

 10:55 Samurai Method:
 This is the step-by-step breakdown of the system that I've used since 2018 to get clients results over and over again. It's so easy to use that when I created it, it was called, "Sesame Street Simple". So many people make the mistake of thinking that it's the text at the top of the letter that makes a difference, when in fact, it's what you list for each disputed account. The dispute REASON.

 Between 2011-2015, my results were mediocre, at best. This was, of course, because I was using dispute letter templates like the rest of the great US of A. After meeting the person who taught me about credit sweeps, my results increased substantially and then in 2018, I realized that I'm able to remove every account from a credit report that can legally be removed without the client taking the bureaus/creditors/collectors to court.

 This is the same formula that I teach you.

 15:42 Days to Dispute (Fastest Method):
 While there's a method that you should stick to (like disputing 1x per month and collectors before bureaus and bureaus before creditors), this section shows you the fastest method for removing accounts using the PolyAngle Dispute Method. With this, we're doing everything at the same time, but I give you the exact days and tell you what you're doing on any specific day.

 16:35 How to Repair Credit in 5 Steps:
 This is a simple outline that so many people miss. I let you know where to pull your credit report from (...what if you don't get your credit report from the right place? You won't have the right information to dispute and there's only a handful of sites that provide this information), and the other 4 steps you should know to be successful.

 17:55 Identifying Blatant Inaccuracies:
 The one identifies INACCURACIES (obviously), but these inaccuracies will get you results if you dispute them the right way.

 You DON'T want to miss this part! If there's any part of this crash course you should REALLY pay attention to, it starts here with the cheat sheets. Can you currently identify inaccuracies listed on an account reported on just 1 credit bureau? If not, this section (and the following sections), will teach you exactly that. Take a look any negative account on your credit report. What would you be looking for if you were going to identify the top 5 reasons to remove it unless you had a blueprint that would literally show you exactly what to look for and WHY it's inaccurate.

 Yeah.... you can identify that it is INACCURATE, but the question is WHY is it inaccurate and WHY does it matter that it is. If you can't answer that, your disputes won't make a difference and results won't come.

 21:54 What an Account SHOULD Look Like:
 This part gives you exactly what an account is supposed to look like. I take it a step further and explain some more of what you should be looking for to determine what to dispute on an account

 24:59 Most IMPORTANT Cheat Sheet:
 And here we are with everything listed all together:
 a monthly payment should be reported on [?]
 a past due should not be reported on [?]
 a balance should not be reported on [?]
 the high balance should be [?] the balance
 double jeopardy is when [?]
 [?] should be reported by the 30th day after the bureaus receive the 1st dispute
 [?] is notorious for reporting 90-day lates and it should be disputed by [?]

 28:54 How to Write a Dispute Reason:
 This backs up the Samurai Method you learned in the beginning of the course

 31:19 Most Likely to Remove:
 The 5 account elements you can dispute that are most likely to remove an account. If you can locate inaccuracies in these parts, you have a great chance of success

 31:21 Dispute Pyramid:
 This is the inverted pyramid that shows you where each part of the account lies on the pyramid, which is broken into 3 parts and even lists which dispute round it falls under. You'll also learn which account parts should NOT be used (because it is not likely to end in a favorable result)

 32:31 Dispute Flow and diff methods:
 This section is great because it breaks down different ways to attack your accounts. Many consumers get stuck and don't realize there's more than 1 way to dispute an account. This section should open up your eyes to these extra ways and show you different avenues of approach

 36:21 Debt Validation:
 This is the method we use for removing 3rd party collections and you'll have access to some of the letters inside the bonus section!

 43:33 Simple Letter Tracker:
 Tracking your disputes is the most important part (hard to believe, but it's true). I explain a few of the methods for doing this, as well as WHY it is so important.

 46:39 How to Write the 1st Paragraph:
 Learn the 3 most important questions that EVERY dispute letter is required to answer

 48:00 Strategy Map:

Utilizes a version of the PolyAngle Dispute Method and maps it visually for you to see how it might work

 50:45 Cheat Sheets:

These are MUST-HAVES!

60:00 Building Credit:

These are the same tradelines that were used to build out the file that got 1 client approved for over $1.5 million in less than 11 months

60:02 Credit Sweep Dispute Blueprints

  • 1 Video

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